
Reasons why your diet does not work

Reasons Why Yor Diet Does Not Work

Limiting in excess of Candies

* Simply too much on the intake of sweets generates extreme anxiety that leads you to desesperarte and eat a lot of candies later. Give you a taste once in a while does not mean you're weak or have no will power. You are simply human, and eventually your diet does not hurt. Even leaving the diet two days does not mean that everything is lost. One recommendation is to eat the sweet in the morning, because you have all day to burn it.


* Sometimes your family or friends influence your respect to diet, either because your mommy loves you so much and that makes you a super special meal loaded with calories or because a friend who is jelous about your successful weight down, invite you to a party and ask you to eat a huge piece of cake. In situations like these acts intelligently, do not deny it completely to eat what your mother prepared, just eat a small portion, tell hem that it was delicious, but you can not over. As your friend, try not to focus on who is doing you damage, because it probably does not do so badly, but to commiserate his own guilt about his failed diet, so explain delicately to your friend that you're looking to eat healthier and not obsessively.

The Jeans Test

* It's easy to obsess with the scale and watch daily our weigh , but this can be harmful because we are never the same and our weight varies with the hormonal changes in addition to fluid retention, among other factors. The most important thing is not desanimarte or frustrate whenyou can´t fit in your jeans. it's best to go making changes slowly, trying to be ever more healthy, like doing some excersice and focusing more on all the benefits that brings you the new regime. Do you have more energy? Does your skin is radiant? Spend more time outdoors and less in front of the TV? Do you feel stronger? All these are reasons to help in the goal of losing weight healthily.

Order The Same as your Model Friend

* When we lose weight always seek to imitate such a model friend with a fast metabolism who can eat a plate of pasta with a chocolate cake for dessert and coffee cappuccino, without her figure is altered in the slightest, but in oir our bodies our entire figure is inflated. We must learn to listen to our body, is the best guide to not eat more and to help us to lose weight, without falling into the cravings. Remember, we are unique beings and we have different needs.

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