
5 Tricks to avoid dependence on addictive food

5 Tricks to avoid dependence on addictive food

1.- Learn to listen to your body. Some of the cravings can be really hungry because this is the way that the body informs us that it needs more energy. In that case you can opt for nutritious snack and also healthier for example: some almonds, a piece of fruit, a yogurt skimming etc ...., Instead of the tentative sweets, bread or chocolate bars.

2.- Do some exercise and rest. These measures are so important because it stimulates production of endorphins, which promotes a feeling of well being.

3.- Eat until you are satisfied, not full. Many times we eat so quickly that it does not give the brain time to realize that the stomach is full. So when the signal reaches the brain it's too late: the stomach is too crowded. That is why it is important to eat slowly and chew well. So our body can react and tell us when is enough.

We have to make several meals a day and follow a schedule. If we knew detect signals of hunger and satiety, we are going to have appetite every two or three hours, so we can take a mid-morning "snack" and another snack in the afternoon, because both are very healthy habits that everyone should acquire. In this way, calories a day are distributed in a more reasonable and also help the metabolism work harder and therefore burn more. Of the five meals, recalls how important it is for breakfast, because you come from a long number of hours without eating for being asleep and if you ingest food when you wake up, you will not feel hungry and avoid the anxiety during the day.

Choose "satisfying" ingredients. Foods rich in fiber help you to control levels of blood sugar and give the feeling of being full.

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