
Burst your Exercise: Warm to get best Results

Burst your Exercise: Warm To Get Best Results

What do you normally do when you get up out of bed in the morning? ¿Start to run?

Most of us get up, yawn, stretch the arms, legs and start the day slowly. Then, gradually, we begin to move faster. The exercise should be very similar.

Literally warming, heats the body for the activity we are going to do. Such activity may be to walk slowly or run 10 miles. No matter the intensity of the activity you want to make, sure that the heating is always part of your routine.
Warming up before exercise offers many benefits. First, warming the muscles helps you to not feel tense. Secondly, it increases your heart rate, preparing the body for physical exercise. Third, accelerating nerve impulses, improve reflexes, and sends oxygenated blood to the muscles. Finally, increasing flexibility and mobility of joints, the warming reduces the risk of injury, especially in the connective tissues and tendons.

The warming should last 5 to 20 minutes (may take longer in cold weather to warm the muscles that are very cold). You can combine a gentle jog, gentle stretching and massage to get the perfect warming. The heating must be strong enough to raise your heart rate and prepare the muscles to be used during the activity. For example, if you run five minutes at a leisurely pace, you can warm up starting to jog slowly or you can walk a minute or two before you start to run.

Stretching should also be part of warming routine. It should stretch the muscles after doing the warming exercises(such as walking). When you stretch a muscle, do it until to feel a slight discomfort. If it hurts, its because you are stretching too much in a particular area, so you should reduce the tension. Hold each stretch about 10 to 30 seconds. Remember to stretch opposing muscle groups one after another. For example, stretches the quadriceps (the muscles in the front of the thighs) and then stretch the tendon of the Corvo (the muscles in the back of the thigh). Always breathe when stretching.

Now, I give you some stretch exercises for some of the major muscle groups:

Quadriceps (front of thigh): Standing, Hold on to a wall or chair for balance. Bend your right knee back as you take the right ankle with your right hand. Be sure to keep your knee close to your body as you bring the heel toward the buttocks. It must feel a little tension in the anterior part of the thigh. Hold this position about 15 seconds and repeat in the other side. Do not stretch too much your knee.

Tendon Corvo (back of thigh): Stand with your feet open to the distance of the shoulders, knees slightly bent and your toes pointing to the front. Bend forward and hold the ankles with your hands. You should feel a slight tension on the back of the thighs. Hold this position about 15 seconds.

Biceps (front arm): This stretch can be done standing or sitting. Extends your right arm in front of your body with the palm facing up. Take the fingers of your right hand with your left hand and gently stretch the finger right back and to your body. It should feel a slight tension in the anterior part of the arm. Hold the position 15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Triceps (back of arm): This stretch can be done standing or sitting. Lower the chin to the chest and put the right arm over the head with the palms facing forward. Bend your elbow and put the hand in the back of the neck. Now the palms look inwards. Bring your left arm above the head and your left hand grabs the right arm just below the elbow. Gently pull your right arm to the left. It should feel a slight tension on the back of the right arm. Hold the position 15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Calf (area behind the lower legs): Standing about three feet from the wall, feet apart at the distance of the shoulders and flat on the floor. Put your hands on the wall with your arms straight for support. Bend the hips forward and bend your knees slightly to stretch the legs.

Hips and lower back: Sit on the floor with the legs crossed, lift and cross the right leg over the left leg, which should remain bent. Take the right leg and bring it to the chest and bent the trunk so you can look over your right shoulder. Change legs and repeat, that is, peering over the left shoulder.

If you follow all these steps and do a good warm-up, the workout is easier and more efficient. Even, it is possible that you feel so good that you exercise will be longer than usual!

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